What are Tags?
Tags are like keywords for files. Using tags allows you to group files which have something in common.
What versions of MacOS does Tags 2 require?
Tags 2.5 supports OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and OS X 10.7 Lion.
Are email Tags synchronized over IMAP or POP?
No. Email Tags are only stored locally at this point. If you access your IMAP email from multiple computers, the tags will only be available on the computer where you created them.
Do Tags work on TimeMachine or File Servers?
Tags works perfectly with Time Machine. As long as the File Servers are using the AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) and the servers file system is HFS+ you are fine, too. So any Mac File Server or Time Capsule works.
How do I get smart folders to work in Mail?
In Mail choose the menu item Mailbox-> Create new Smart Mailbox
Setup the Smart Mailbox as shown in the image below. In the example we are creating a Smart Mailbox for the tag named "waiting".

Note: On certain occasions the Smart Mailbox only updates after changing to another mail folder
Why can't I use tags for Smart Folders in iTunes and iPhoto?
Smart Folders that are created in iPhoto or iTunes do not support searching for tags right now.
What are the Keyboard Shortcuts for Tags?
The default shortcut to tag files is CTRL-SPACE. The default shortcut to bring up the Search Interface is OPTION-SPACE.
You can change your shortcuts in the Preferences.
How do I get smart folders to work in Mail with Tags?
On Snow Leopard tag:xxx is supported.
Do Tags work on iDisk, DropBox?
The latest experimental release of DropBox supports Tags. We assume this feature will make it into the normal version of DropBox soon.
iDisk is not supported. Tags are stored as extended attributes. Unfortunately these services do not handle these extended attributes correctly.
A work around is storing your files inside a Disc Image, or Disk Image Bundle.
Remember, you must enable Spotlight for the disk image. A helpful page for this:
Which applications are supported, and which are not supported?
Fully Supported
This list of applications is by no means an exhaustive list. All applications that properly support Applescript are supported.
- Finder
- Path Finder
- MS Office (not Entourage)
- Quicktime
- Keynote
- Numbers
- Pages
- XCode
- Mail
- Safari
- Address Book
- Textedit
- Garageband
- Script Editor
- OmniOutliner
- OmniGraffle
- TextMate
- RapidWeaver
- TextEdit
- Taskpaper (Thanks to Steven Audette)
- Netnewswire (Thanks to Steven Audette)
- Camino
- Mailplane
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Photoshop
Partial Support
- iPhoto (no smart folder)
- iTunes (no smart folder)
- iWeb (iWeb does not have a document system – you can just tag your whole iWeb site)
The following applications are not supported because they either do not support Applescript, or their Applescript support is buggy or incomplete:
- Dictionary
- Font Book
- iCal
- iDVD
- iMovie
- Preview
- Stickies
- Firefox (previous versions worked, 3.6 broke Applescript support)
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